Begin your birth journey today.

  • Birth classes

  • Breastfeeding education and lactation support

  • Postpartum planning classes

All to help you gain knowledge and confidence as you bring your baby into the world.

Take a nice, slow breath. You are in the right place. Becoming a parent is an amazing, yet sometimes scary journey. Having a baby, breastfeeding, and moving from a couple to family? So new and unknown. As your compassionate educator and ally, I am here to help you understand labor and birth and walk into parenthood with ease, not anxiety.

“My husband and I felt completely confident about our birth plan and what to expect on the important day. My husband was the best support for me. I felt so lucky! I was able to have a natural hospital birth.”

Imagine feeling excited when contractions start and having a clear understanding of where you may be in the labor process. Dads/partners, what if you knew exactly what comfort measures to offer and when to leave for your birth location?

Nourishing your mind, body, and spirit as you prepare for birth

“Even the L&D nurse with 20+ years of experience said our birth was in the top 3 for how controlled and prepared we were. Breastfeeding was smooth from the start thanks to the tools and education from Raquel.”— SP

But what about after baby arrives?

Learn all the tips and tricks to have a good start to breastfeeding and know how to care for and comfort your baby. Plus learn how you can get a few key things in place to help you and your partner have an easier time in the weeks following your birth.

The first few weeks after baby arrives are sacred. Allow others to care for you as you care for baby.

I reached out to Raquel while working through a tongue tie, poor latch, nipple pain and vasospasms. She has been so helpful, encouraging, and insightful and I have been so grateful to be able to lean on these qualities in her during a time of transition and new beginnings for myself. -LV

You are not alone. Reach out for personalized help and support from the comfort of your home. Resolve pain, develop a feeding plan, learn to use your pump and more. Virtual and in-person consultations available. As a Certified Lactation Consultant, with specialization in tongue ties and low milk supply, I am here to help you with all your breastfeeding goals.

Struggling with breastfeeding?

“As first time parents, there were so many questions and unknowns. Raquel’s class helped reassure us. I appreciated her open mind and focus on the health of mom and baby.”— MS